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To Zayn Malik

One Direction -

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Best voted letters to Zayn Malik


Hey zayn, my name is Saira Akhtar from Birmingham. I am a huge fan of you I love you so much. I know I will never see you because we can not afford to come to one of your concerts, also you are not coming to Birmingham during the Where we are tour. Even though I will never be able to see you in person I support you all the way from x factor and by the way. Congratulations on your engagement to perrie Edwards she's perfect for you and I hope 2014 goes your way. I love you sooo much and I hope I get enough votes so that you are able to see the support that is here for love you always and forever


I don't know speak fluent English, so all this words may be difficult to understand.

I noticed (and I'm not the only one) that these latter times, you're not going very well. I don't know if there is another reason for this but I think it's mostly because we treat you as a terrorist. But you don't have to let you down with the insults! Yes I know it's easy to say, but you and I know that our religion is love, the others don't know, they judge without knowing. Leave them in the dark. You're beautiful, and I'm not just talking about physical beauty, because that's sure in that side you're wonderful, but for me it's inside you shine the most. You make me laugh, you make me cry of hapiness, you make me believe that i'm beautiful even if sometimes i find myself really ugly. You live your dream Zayn, nobody has the right to make you sad, except you. You have a girlfriend who loves you more than anything and a family that would give everything to make you live your dream forever. And don't forget that you also have Louis, Liam, Harry, Niall, and they never let you fall. I know what's people who always critic you, and all you have to do is ignore them, cause this is the best revenge.
So don't be sad ,i want to see you smile with all your heart.


Zayn you've got a lot of fans & the most of them love you, they would do all just to see you or whatever... :) There are people in the world, they don't like you but no matter what the people say, keep on doing your own thing...^^ do what you want to do and stay as you are..! you are a great singer, don't ruin your life with drugs or other stars.!!! There is a girl in this world who wants to see you happy :)
Best wishes


Hi, Zayne... i am your fan and i would like to know how you make yours hairstyle

Can you give me vote please


Hi Cutie! :)
This is Iqra Khilji! I'd heard of 1D from my friends but hadn't listened to any of your songs until 2 months ago! I had no idea that millions out there live to meet you someday or because they have your music to indulge in! The day I did decide to hear your music, I downloaded and heard all your songs in a day! You guys are awesome! But of course, you already know that!(excuse me for the '!''s my full stop :p) As for you Zayn Malik, let me tell you that you are a merciless murderer! No, I'm not one of those jerks who condemn you because of your religion; you are a murderer,figuratively (or maybe even literally if someone ended their life thinking " I can't meet him on this planet, let's give paradise a try!") But of course you won't be responsible for the many lunacies of the weirdest of the weird (female) homo sapiens! But yes, you can kill with those looks, those eyes!
I used to be a happy-go-lucky tomboy, a rebel (fancy being called Rebel-ji, short for Rebel Khilji), indifferent to the cutest of guys, the hottest of celebs, living in harry potter's fantasy world and interested in politics! Food being my first an only love! In the traits of Rebel-ji "no girlish feelings" was an important one! Nothing changed after I became aware of a certain Zayn Malik's existence except that there's a supercute guy who's an exception to my indifference for cuties in general and that an important Rebel-ji quality is abandoned! Maybe the reason for this abberation in my feelings is also because I'm tired of being an arrogant bitch!
I wasn't surprised to hear that you get hate-mail because you're a Muslim! But it made me wonder whether I really want to go to England for further studies! Or anywhere in Europe or America since the anti-muslim sentiments there are so high! But no, they need to know that muslims can be good people, too; good friends, good humans and that everyone should have humanity as their ultimate religion!
Well, you're my first celebrity crush, second crush considering all humans and the first person I'm dying to see! Fantasizing if you could be my first love,too (that'll happen only when I meet you!) You are amazing Zayn!
Just don't smoke, please, it's got to be bad for you, and if you don't care about that, well, it's bad for your voice, and if anything happens to it, what'll happen to all your fans?
Just keep giving the world some great music..........we need it in these times when peace is scarce and music is our only exit from the horrors of this world! Wish you all the success(you have it already, may it last) and joy on Earth! Tell Harry to smile 24 hrs of every day of the week, his dimples are cute!(Can't write another novel-sized letter to him)

PS: when are you coming to India? 1/6th of the world's population dying for you guys to come here! Do come soon and stay for long, don't just go the big cities like the rest of them who visit, India has a lot in store for you!


Hai Zayn,
I'm Directioner from Indonesia. I very very very like you :* i hope you read my email and reply, you just rea no problem but i'll very happy if you answer my email ;) Zayn please follow my twitter @anindyazm or reply my mention, i'm so glad if you do it for me :') I'm sorry if my English language is bad :/ i can't speak english, i can but little :D love you Zayn!


Hi!!!!!!!! My name is Marilu Caravez I'm 14 yrs old and soon to be freshmen. The first song I've ever heard was what makes you beautiful when you guys came out on the icarly show.And since that day I loved your guys music.; Every week I go on the internet trying to find a way to win concert tickets or backstage passes, but I never win or the competition is over.But I will never give up my hopes one day I will meet you guys or go to a concert.And when that day comes I think I will try really bad not to cry because I know you guys dont like when your fans cry.So anyways I lllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeee you guys so much but especially your music and my favorite song is summer love.And in a couple of months I will try to find a way to send you a pic of how much I love you guys I'll have posters,my bed comforter, blanket,shirt, pjays,and especially the perfume that will be coming out on August 30th and so many other things.The last thing that iwant to say one last time again is lllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooovvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeee you guys and keep makeing some more music because you guys have a good voice and I love it.

P.S. stay cute


The star Within me , yes i'm with u , with zayn malik , u're great so great ... I wonder why the world is so small that you sometimes see duplicate many time a day but sometimes so great that it can't be who you want to see even once ?!?
i just want see you and your smile , i realy love you , i'm from Iran , but i'll live in Netherlands soon. i hope to see u babe


Dear Zayn
It’s really hard, sometimes, to know that I will never meet you. I know I should be positive and think that, somehow, someday, I can finally meet you. How would you react? Ha… More importantly (and embarrassingly), how would I?

I think I’d stop breathing. My heart skipping a beat as I finally see you before me. You. The real you. Not some 2D image of your face smiling, laughing, winking at me from my computer screen. No, the real you.

I’d probably open and close my mouth like a gaping fish whilst no coherent words will come out. Yes, that seems the most plausible reaction.. Because you know why?

You’re honestly amazing. I haven’t met you, but I know you are. You’re amazing.

~Mrs.Malik♥ (Rimsha)


Hi Zayn:
Well, my name is Maria and I am 13 years old. I am spanish and also one of your enormous number of fans. I wanted to tell you that I think you are the best one in One Direction. It is not because for me you are really handsome, it is also because of your way of singing, your personality… In facts, you are great. I know you had a concert on may in here, in Spain, but even I tried to go, I couldn’t. I was very upset because of that, but I am sure that I will go to your next concert and finally I will see you. You know? I have learned almost all your songs, and I can sing them (yes, maybe I’m a bit obsessed) and I made with some friends a kind of group to sing them. We have just started to practise, but I deeply know that it will be extremely hard (almost impossible) to sing like you five do.
I noticed that you are hanging out with Perrie Edwards, and I am very happy of that, you two make a perfect couple! I saw some articles in Internet that say that you two got married, or that you are almost married, is that true??!! If it is, I give you my congratulations. I hope you will stay like this for a long, long time (:D)
I recognise that you will never see me, but I wanted you to know that it does not matter what people say about your religion or other things to annoy you, I am pretty sure that they say it because they are jealous. Just, please, keep in mind what real directioners (thousands) think about you five, you are AWSOME!! Never change!!
A kiss and a hug, Maria Ramiro =)
