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To Zayn Malik

One Direction -

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Best voted letters to Zayn Malik


Hello, Zayn.

I'm Eva. I'm 16, from Estonia. I'm not really a directioner much (like having posters on the walls or any of 1D stuff like others) but I really like 1D music. And I love to sing a lot. My neighbours are kinda pissed at me too if I sing because I sing all the time. :)
My dream is to become a famous singer, meet with 1D some day, especially you, you're my favorite. And other part of my dream is to sing with you & with the whole band someday and start getting along. I would be really happy if that would happen.
And I was thinking, are you coming to Estonia too someday?
You guys have a lot of fans here too! (:

Best wishes,


Hi Zayn,my name is Mischa. I wanna say you,you're the best man I ever seen. I dont understand why some people hate you. They hate you just because you're a Muslim? Are they fucking kidding me? Omg,this is the biggest crap!! I'm Christian, so they can hate me too,yeah? They should open their eyes... They only envy you,because you're worldwide popular singer and most of girls love you. You're amazing and you have my big RESPECT. I don't write this just because I'm your fan,but because I really like your behaving,your nature..When I heard your voice first time I..I really couldn't breath. It was like ''Omg,he's so perfect'' okay,this sentence I say always when I see you:D:)) And you always,really always take my breath away. But I really love this feeling. I am true Directioner and I'll be FOREVER. I love you more than anything else and I regret nothing. Every day you give me energy. You light up my days and that's the reason why I love you. When I'm sad I look at your pic or I listen to your songs and I'm happy. That's cool. Have a good time! Thanks for everything. Haters gonna hate, Directioners gonna love. #CzechDirectioner Mischa


Hey, Zayn
You are my idol and I would like to know how you make yourself hairstyle.

Thanks, Ivan


i know this might not work, but i just need somebody to talk to, somebody who could potentially actually listen.
the thing is, i'm sad. a lot of the time but crazily enough- your music, your fans, cheer me up. how incredible is that?
just tell me you'll keep making me strong. i just need to believe things will be alright one day.


Dear Zayn,
I am a really big fan of you and the rest of One Direction. But, to me you are my inspiration, idol, whatever you can call it because you've shown me in the world that no matter how hard life gets or what people say about you is to never give up on your dreams and passions. And if it seems like no one in the world cares for you there are. And I'm one of those people who've been bullied and such. They've called me things that are not true but, sadly I've started to believe them. And even um, cut myself once. But, after that I realized that there are people out there for me that care and will help. And I realized that because of you. The song "Diana" really showed me that there's hope. The very first time I heard that song, I cried because I've been down that road and I have a lot of connections to it. You five care about all your fans soooo much that it really touches me. Thanks so much for being the best inspiration that there can be. I really do look up to you. Zayn, you've taught me to never let go of hope and I never did since you came along. Thank you soooooo much for that. My favourite quote that you said "There comes a day that you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world because you realize there's so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on." That quote really inspired me as well. I'm giving you a big thank you for the hope you've brought to me without being in person or knowing me. It gives me great pleasure knowing that you truly do love and care about you fans Zayn.
Thank you so much.

Love your big fan,



heyyy zayn....... my name is martina . i live in egypt. y're my real singer i love you so much... you & the other ve real fans in i saythat from my heart u made me ador songs and sing......... you are mazing .................................. i hope to see you in any time and i hope to come but all of u to egypt it'll be very amazing... now i hope to live a very nice life 4 ever u & 1d........ for your information i dreamed with u i swear that is not lie


Hi I'm a big fan and is it true that you have a kik name?


hi zayn your lovely and no one should bring you down ever. No one should call one direction gay because you are not you and perrie are a great couple. Don't let any one say your not. Go live your life how you want and maybe paparazzi will move on and figure out, that you are just normal people with a great talent.


You know Zayn, I really really love you just like I want to marry you. Do you know that I hate Perrie Edwards because she's your girlfriend and I want that girl to be me!!! Zayn I hope you can forgive me.. I think I'm in love with you!!! I'm a no. 1 Directioner and I made twitter just for 1D.. I love you Zayn I hope you love me too and reply to this letter I sent you pls?? I used to hate you but I really really can't because I love you very much!!! I don't have any idea if you can read this.. But thank you very much for changing my LIFE you are my life


Hey Zyan...
One of the biggest rock star ever I am one of your one directioners Actually I just dont know what to say just want to let you know I know each and every detail of every member from of One Direction and have loads of songs and pics saved in my house : ) Love you zyan... It’s really hard, sometimes, to know that I will never meet you. I know I should be positive and think that, somehow, someday, I can finally meet you. Hope that that day would come soon in my life : ) : P : D
