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To Zayn Malik

One Direction -

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Best voted letters to Zayn Malik


Lmao it's 2021 and I'm here. My letter won't probably get sent because I just read that you need like votes for it or so. Also i don't think you'll get this because One Direction went on a break and you're not even under the management anymore. But anyways I wanted to tell you that I'm so freaking proud of you and you're so talented I can't even believe it. I grew up with you, especially when Dusk Till Dawn came out it was the song I listened on repeat for hours, loving every second of it. I've been your fan ever since and love the new album. Now that I'm almost in the end I feel stupid for writing this but I think I'll send it anyways. I dunno what else to say besides that I love you so so much and I hope the best for you. Keep your head up Love


Hey Zayn, I'm Haylie and I love you and all the guys from one direction. I love your song PILLOWTALK and I hope one day you can come to charlotte and perform. I would love to meet you in real life. Keep up the amazing songs and don't let anyone ever bring you down.


Hey Zayn,
I am 16, I am from India. I’ve grown up listening to your songs. The reason I decided to write you an open letter, well, I don’t want to tell you yet. You’ll know by the end of this. I’ve grown up in northern India, and since I was very young, I’ve been an introvert. I don’t meet people too often, the occasional party happens, but nothing else. I never considered it my duty, to stand up for myself, and I’ve been bullied time and time again. But when I was 13, I started to follow your songs, and I was completely distracted from the different aspects of my condition. As I was growing up, there were 2 years that I didn’t listen to your music for. My behavior was the same. I was the same kid who used to listen to your songs. But, I just didn’t listen to them anymore. And without them, without you, everyday became a struggle. I started to struggle to get out of bed. And about 7 months ago, I realized I was fighting a battle with myself. One I couldn’t win alone. With the younger me. Weaker, still. I strangled him, Z. I strangled him, so he wouldn’t strangle me. I started to open up about my anxiety to really close friends, and nobody could talk me out of it. Today, I started to listen to your songs again. I have never felt better. I always have been the elder brother in my family. There were no elder brothers to take care of me. So I grew up wanting an elder brother. You were my elder brother all those years. I had developed an overeating habit, and I started to stress eat. I was weak. Your songs, you, are what have taken me from childhood to adulthood. I owe you one, mate. I love you with all my heart, brother. And I will never forget what you changed about my life. You made it better, you continue to.
I hope this letter reaches you. Please reach out if you can. You mean a lot.
Yours faithfully,


Hi zayn. I don't wanna make it complicated so i would say at first that i love u
My biggest dream is to visit you. To hug u zayn. To at list spend a minute with U. And i'm ready to give my everything to be with u . but unfortunately i'm in the worst country in all the world..
And you are my space from all the bullshit of this world...


Dear zayn, l love u I am your biggers fan ever please come to Singapore


Hay it is me jaden again. I don't love you because you are in 1d it is because I love you for how you are


Hay Zayn my name is jaden drew I love you so much . I wish I could see you in person. Tell everyone else I seid hi.

Love your #1 fan


I love you Zayn your my inspiration and idol! Please never have 1D break up!! Please don't listen to the people that hate 1D because 1D is perfect! I get judged a lot but 1D gets me back on my feet smiling all over again!


Dear Zayn,
i like all your guys' songs. i think you and louis, and liam are really cute. i got tickets to come and see you in august in one of your concerts. im coming to see you perform. i hope you write back to me soon.
-love jordan your #1 fan


IHi zayn, I have some questions to ask you . I won't know if why do you like drawing because in the movie you and Louis,Harry,Liam,and Niall all do different things and I saw you like drawing and I love drawing wolfes do you like drawing wolfes can you write back please have fun on your trip :-)
