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To Zayn Malik

One Direction -

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Best voted letters to Zayn Malik


My friend and I made something for your birthday, but we don't know how to give it to you. Do you have a fan mail address, that you actually read? We would appreciate it.
P.S. We are very happy for you and Perrie, and hope you have a fun and happy life. :p


Hi I'm kaiya and I am 7 years old and you have really ispired me


Hi I'm Courtney Im 10years old and you have really inspired me


Hey Zayn! (: I'm a big Fan from you and your music. I'm coming from Switzerland, and I'm 13 Years old. My English is not so good, sorry for this. Can you call me? My Number is : 0788744016. This is my Swiss Handy, or send me a Mail back. in Love Nadine ツ


I am such a big fan of you like you don't even know I love you.


Dear zayn,
I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me and you say it's the fans but its you you make me who I am today.I will not die before going to a concert but I simply can't afford it I love you so much and if I had the money I would be at all the concerts I could be. Please continue this dream because you ate amazing at what you do and you might never read this but if you are reading this I hope it puts a smile on your face for the day because I want you to be happy wherever whoever you meet and I just hope that one day I will met you
Love you
From lily xxxxxx


hi Zayn, i feel lucky knowing u and loving u because i love u and i'm a biggest fan of your's because your name is Zayn and mine is Zaynab(Zainab) and yeah that's true. . . .
infact we both are muslims too.


Hi zayn i no people say u are a Muslim but I don't care I love you the way u are you ate made of pure kinds and I love I am only 11 my family can't afford to buy tickets so I just look at videos of u and 1D on YouTube but still I love u I wish I can meet u I also am ill I have to have 11 pumps and all that stuff I love u.


When I look at you were so fine and my eyes got big I was like omg


hi,my name is Nessrine.i'm a big fan of you and one direction i really want to talk to you or see you and i'm muslim too so...
pleaaaaaase responde me
with my love
