
Hi, I'm from Poland and I wanna say THANK YOU ! I know it sounds strange, but Nickelback changed my life. Whenever I have a bad tempet I turn my MP4 and I started listen your songs. At once I feel too much better ! You are another ! You are better than One Direction or Miley Cyrus !!! You play REAL music :) For me you should have all these awards for example for the best song or the best band !!!!! You'll have concert in Poland on 2 of November :D Three days before my 14 birthday !! Tickets for this concert were my dream. I still can't belive that ;) I'll be BIG suprised for say me Happy Birthday on email :D But concert is very big birthday present :) I'll be on Golden Circle so look for girl with brown hair and black lines on cheeks :3 Please write to me, please:
* twittet - JuliaSmalinska
* email -
Thank you again and please write :)