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To Mike Kroeger

Nickelback - Bassist

Vertical Tabs

Best voted letters to Mike Kroeger


Hi, I'm from Poland and I wanna say THANK YOU ! I know it sounds strange, but Nickelback changed my life. Whenever I have a bad tempet I turn my MP4 and I started listen your songs. At once I feel too much better ! You are another ! You are better than One Direction or Miley Cyrus !!! You play REAL music :) For me you should have all these awards for example for the best song or the best band !!!!! You'll have concert in Poland on 2 of November :D Three days before my 14 birthday !! Tickets for this concert were my dream. I still can't belive that ;) I'll be BIG suprised for say me Happy Birthday on email :D But concert is very big birthday present :) I'll be on Golden Circle so look for girl with brown hair and black lines on cheeks :3 Please write to me, please:
* twittet - JuliaSmalinska
* email -
Thank you again and please write :)


I remember Nickelback playing in battle of the bands at UNBC in Prince George years ago. I was security there at the time. I busted Chad with a beer in the corridor which was outside the designated area. Who would have thought.


Hello.. My name is Jasmin. I've bought tickets for your Nickelback concert the 13. november for my boyfriends birthday.

He has no clue about the concert or the tickets. Our song is Far Away and the 14. november, we have been together for 2 years and 9 months.

It would mean the world to me if you could give us the oppertunity to hear you guys live and hear our song.

Sincerely Jasmin.


hey, hey, my name is Michael . I have a question, I know you guys probably get this question a lote but i think (not sure) that mine is different. I like a girl and I only talk to here when we talk about music and it is always about you guys. I know now you are saying to yourself : I don't have time for this, but read it all and then anwser it. We talk all the time about you guys and we think that you guys are awesome. she even went to a concert from you guys several times, i coudn't, I had to take care of my dad (he is ill) but that doesn't matter now. she is the first girl that I like very much, and i would do anything for here (we are both 15, and i know i'm to young to say this but i really love here) she helps me with everything at school. I am not "the good looking guy" but i can share my feelings with here. that's why I have one question fore you guys could you guys send a message to here saying thank you for helping me with everything and I am always there for you . It would me alote for me, I am alsow not 100% healthy but not in danger. We guys like you alote and could you guys say within that message that this is from me (Michael ) and she helpt even when my mom left me and my brothers. so please , can you guys do that for me, it would me alote and still you guys are awesome. Now you can anwser this :) thanks for listening ( sorry if my english isn't good, i'm from belgium)


Hey there Mike, Chad, Ryan, and Daniel! I just want to say THANK YOU so much for your music! Y'all have helped me through some dark times and have given me so much to dream about! Because of Nickelback, I have been dreaming to start a band and write my own songs to share with teens/young adults that have ever felt the way I did! I have realized I'm NEVER ALONE and that I have all that I need! So thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you guys and your work so much it makes my day every day! I am a Nickelback fan and I'm NOT afraid to say it!! Thank you!!


Hey to the Band.

I just want to start off with a thank you, your music has helped me through a very hard time in my life. Especially your songs lulluby, trying not to love you and someday. I have been wanting to write to you for a while now but honestly I was a bit embarrassed because I didn't want to come across as a wierd fan.

I am a very big fan of the band. I am a south african and would love to one day meet all of you.

But the main thing is a big thank you. I can't express enough how much your passion for music and your songs that you have put out there have inspired and helped me. I am constantly playing your music weather I'm in my car or just relaxing.

Have a lovely year ahead, I feel its going to be a good one.
Bronwyn Edmunds


Dear Nickelback,
I just wanted to thank you for writing such amazing, meaningful music. Your song lullaby quite literally saved my life. I was going to commit suicide, but then this song came on and I realised I had so much to live for, and that I have a great life, even if I'm having a hard time right now.
You're probably never gonna read this, but thank you. Your music has helped me get over so many different ordeals the last few years, and I'm extremely grateful. Keep writing amazing music.
Brooklynn H.