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To Kashiyuka Yuka Kashino

Perfume - Singer

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Best voted letters to Kashiyuka Yuka Kashino


Hi, Kashiyuka^^ My name is Morgann, nice to meet you^^ We have a lot in common^^ Your shy, I'm shy, You were bullied when you were younger, I was bullied when I was younger, we both have a soft singing voice (I imitate you sometimes^^) and Both of us Love Spirited away^^ I love you (I also love Nocchi and A~Chan) I want to be your younger sister too. I've been a big fan of Perfume since I was a young girl. (like around when I was 6) And I believed you would make it to the top. I believed in you since my older sister made me discover you. I've known you through the half of my life and Perfume never gave up... That was the best thing I could ever hear from you. If I died at my current age (I am 12 now) I would travel to Japan to watch over you so nothing bad happens to you, nor Nocchi or A~Chan. I also have a bracelet waiting for you, Nocchi, and A~Chan. And there is a letter attached to it that I want you to read. I can probably teach you what I love to do when I'm in school. I can even help you learn English! I hope we can meet someday. I love you my Yuka~Baby^^ I wish I could go on your Tours and Lives with you. You know you're not just a normal person. I can see inside you you're very special. you're my special Yuka~Baby^^ Bye, Kashi I love you^^


Hi Kashiyuka! I would like to share the love I have for you, with you. [For Ayaka, but you know I can not forget you and Nocchi!] Perfume rules the Nation!!! :] Kind of a spin on Daft Punk's song, "Television Rules the Nation." You ladies are amazing and I believe that America would love to share their interest and love for this group. Not much to say because I JUST LOVE THIS GROUP!!! XD I hope you all continue to have much success in the future! Bye Kashiyuka (Long-haired Goddess). :-}


げんき です か?
Greetings from the US!
I just wanted to say that the music you guys make is really wonderful and inspiring, and i'm a big fan of your songs and albums!٩(•̤̀ U•̤́ )
My dream is to travel to Japan and see you guys live in concert, and i hope i can one day! I'm also trying to learn Japanese, the younger you start the better, they say!
(I'm thirteen~!)
Anyway, I hope you get the oppurtunity to read this, as you guys are big idols and I understand you can't read every letter.
Nonetheless, keep doing what you're doing, Kashiyuka!
You are truly a role model for young girls around the world!
さよなら! (・ω・)ノ
Sincerely, Taylor


げんき です か?
Greetings from the US!
I just wanted to say that the music you guys make is really wonderful and inspiring, and i'm a big fan of your songs and albums!٩(•̤̀ U•̤́ )
My dream is to travel to Japan and see you guys live in concert, and i hope i can one day! I'm also trying to learn Japanese, the younger you start the better, they say!
(I'm thirteen~!)
Anyway, I hope you get the oppurtunity to read this, as you guys are big idols and I understand you can't read every letter.
Nonetheless, keep doing what you're doing, Kashiyuka!
You are truly a role model for young girls around the world!
さよなら! (・ω・)ノ
Sincerely, Taylor