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To Brian Molko

Placebo - Singer

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Best voted letters to Brian Molko


Hey there
u probably get these bullshit stories from fans and stalkers like this all the time but the respect I have for you, ur music and fame is ur business im writing to u from the soul of ur songs rhythm and the nurturing truth of whats real and what takes you away from the magical words that are sung by you and gathered and put together by your family... the whole band.
Look im not expecting at all a reply to this msg but if I could tell u my story of what has made me the broken person I am it would start me at singing Kings Of Medicine to me beloved angel Luke that had his precious life taken by being luke a genuine beautiful angel too carefree running from the cops and crashing at an intersection. I died and what he reintroduced me back to u guys is whats holding me up with legal issues that are still going when im looking for the truth acceptance and recognized that yes Luke and I loved each other. Thankyou for what ur music does every time I listen to u imagine festival hall melbourne 3 yrs ago with luke and again at soundwave both with pneumonia but not missing on seeing u guys play for the feeling u want to numb urself into some kind of trance were we felt tranquility.
Yer so we are big fans, and I still am after luke and ur knew album, Love Like Loud just came at the right time.
ill be thinking of u playing at soundwave in perth 2014.
if only u had the time to read this I wish
blessed be
tash xox


To dear brian

I just wanna say I love your music and the name placebo is a very unique name :)
I am a big fan of placebo
I have a best friend that is also a huge fan!!
She listens to your music every single day she absolutely in love with you. Her name is alice She is going through a rough time atm She has been builled all her school life, nd I was in the same vote myself
In 2010 she has been to see you in Australia when u were there playing live at soundwave and SHE LOVED IT when alice is down she listens to Ur music nd it makes her feel really happy :) her nd I our dream would come true if we met u in person I live in western Australia nd she lives in Australia it'. My dream to meet a celebrity in person ever since I was little . Hope u can make our dreams comes true :)!!!!
Alice and . Always talk about placebo Every night :) that's all we talk about is placebo :)
We say u guys r our family and best friends
And u guys mean the world to us :)


You sound like you could use a friend. I'm here.


Hi, Brian!
If you read this, first of all I want to thank you for such beautiful and emotional songs and, if you don’t mind, I want to tell you my story ‘cause I want you to understand me.
About three years ago I was on Placebo Cover Party near my town and met there a girl, who celebrated her birthday. After some months we started to date, we are still together and last autumn we were on your concert in Kiev. I want to thank you for that, because love to Placebo brought us together and I want to ask you about one favor. This summer third anniversary of our relationships will take place and it will match with my girlfriend’s birthday. I really love her so I want to make some especial present.
Brian, from the bottom of my heart I ask you, could you rip a short video message with phrase “Irina, happy birthday!”? It is very important for me and I will be so grateful to you if you’ll help me to make unforgettable present for a person, who I really love.


OK, long story; long shot, but I'm trying all avenues:
I'm not a screaming fan; I'm not a man with desperate bisexual desires... I would just love to get a written 'smile' from you for my wife Linda on her 40th birthday. So here's the long story:
I was born and grew up in Oxford... blah blah blah... I'm a big Cure, Bowie, Pixies and Placebo fan; you probably know where this is going already!
Got to 29, met Linda in complicated circumstances, fell down-the-stairs in love.
We couldn't be together.
Saw Fight Club at the cinema, told her she had to see it... particularly the "you met me at a very strange time in my life "Where Is My Mind" ending.
Spent my first night with her drinking cocktails of black vodka, aftershock and apple schnapps and listening to Without You I'm Nothing (which she'd never heard before).
For my birthday a couple of years later she sought out Without You I'm Nothing with David Bowie.. it made me cry.
Went to Reading festival a couple of years later where Placebo covered Where Is My Mind and made us cry.
A couple of years later we married and I have "Without You I'm Nothing" engraved on the inside of my ring.
Our dance was to Where Is My Mind.
My Linda has a special ringtone on my phone "If Only Tonight We Could Sleep" by The Cure. Two weeks ago, trying to find an interview with you on You Tube, I stumbled across you playing "If Only Tonight We Could Sleep" with Fat Bob and the boys.

My wife absolutely loves you. It's her 40th in August and I'm trying to get significant and personal presents and messages from all the best parts of her life. You have been ever-present since we first spent the night together, through so many significant moments. I don't want freebies or a pen pal! But a personal "Happy Birthday Linda Justice" in your own hand would absolutely be the icing on this significant birthday! I recently read that you didn't think your 40th birthday was a big deal... I'm trying to make sure that the only reason that Linda's is, is because its the coolest!
If this reaches you too late or you never receive it, never mind... it was worth a shot!


Hi Brian, I'm Antonella, from Italy. I know that probably everybody tells you they are your biggest fan.. but I can proudly and honestly say that I actually am one of your biggest fans :) I'm surely coming to see you guys this august when you come to Italy. You are my favourite band since like...ever! I disovered the music with your songs and I would love to read a reply from you, that would be awesome! you are a kind of hero to me, you guys are great!



Will you ever come here to your fans in South Africa? We love you here!


Dear Brian Molko an the members of Placebo

what can I say?

So many years, I was born in November 1965, I heard so many different types of music, mostful hard and heavy.
Somtimes I heard some songs of you and your band, not bad I think.
Since one year I think, I hear especially the music of Placebo.
It makes me happy and takes me away from the daily crazyness!
In just one word! - Thanks!
Ride on / See you / I will find you!

Gerd Benz from good old Germany


Hi dear.
Thank you for your music, for your addictive voice and specially for your words. Per ogni emozione che l'animo umano può provare esiste una canzone dei Placebo.
Take care of you (it's never as simple as it seems), I hope you're ok.
See you next summer (for the fifth time) in Matera and I hope you will like my town.


Dear Brian/Stefan,
I'm a lifelong fan, I love you guys and your music speaks to my soul. The New Album is yet another work of art.

I've seen you guys live many times and was so excited at seeing you again but Brian I can't get tickets and I'm f'kin devastated! Why only 1 Scottish date in a tiny venue that no band of your calibre should be slumming in! Come to Aberdeen, we've got the new TECA Centre! I saw you here at the music hall for your Black Market Music tour and it was awesome!

I'm not above emotional blackmail........ my mum passed in November, my dad the year before, so I REALLY need to see you guys! Pleeeeeeeeeease add more Scottish dates?

I love you guys!
Julz x
