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To Björk Guðmundsdóttir

Björk - Singer

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Best voted letters to Björk Guðmundsdóttir


Dear Björk,

I am a big fan of yours for so many years and I would love it if you would get together with RADIOHEAD and write a song, you two are a perfect match!

all the best,



You're a fountain of love
In the shape of a girl


In my life I've only been able to find the artistic flow after it has ensnared me unaware of it's presence until afterward in the wake of the art it creates. And what's left behind is truly art, its are our true works of spirit. Whenever I make art I feel like I'm not present during the making of it, that it just happens and then afterward I look back and wonder if this was really me who made this or not? Whether it was me or not I've had the privilege to find art, or be found by art, and I cannot express how meaningful and fulfilling it truly is to experience art in this life. With that being said, your art captivates me. Maybe you have heard this, I assume many times, for it's such a beautiful, beautiful song, but biased as I might be since I'm from the mountains, where I grew up I used to always go over to this cliff and throw rocks down it. Tobsee if they can bounce all the way to the river. Your song Hyperballad always fulfills me with a happiness and beauty that I have never felt anywhere else in music, from anyone else. I'm so lucky to be in the same world as you so that I could hear your music, and I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for writing Hyperballad. Miss Bjork Guomundsdottir, I wish I could write, sing, or experience Arts Flow with you. That dream I'm sure will never be but I will keep the wonderful feeling inside forever. The feeling I get imagining you and I in the artistic passion as Arts Flow sews together a beautiful melody and filled with meaning. Hahaha, I must sound so over the top! I'm born on November 22nd, 1987 and I'm the other side lol. Call me a nerd but you're the last day of Scorpio I'm the first day of Sagittarius and to me that's significant. It just would be amazing if it meant something. So I day dream it does hahah. I've never produced any of the songs I've written, the four of them, yes only four but I've done other art such as poetry and drawing and painting. Oh wow I just would not know how to react if you actually read this letter. I wish I could someday find myself nearby an energy such as yours and be prepared to stand up with it. I know I sound weird, perhaps it's because I'm alone, all the time. Or perhaps it's because I'm different, but this is from the passion of my soul that I say these words and hope that someday somewhere you might read them. I want to share something with you, here is a piece of my art. I will recite a poem that I wrote, it is my most recent work. Like all of my works it just caught me off guard and by surprise one day. I sat down, no plan or reason, and needed to write something down. This is what came out. If ever you see this message Bjork Guomundsdottir, I hope that it brings a smile into you!

'Petals Fallen'

Are you not coming through,
Because I will visibly see you?
I'm going to shower,
So that I can feel new.
Water, bloom my heart, like the flower....
Then maybe I'll find love too.

By Lara E. Renfro


Hi Björk!

I imagine you will probably never see this, but I just wanted to write and say that I think you are such a beautiful person. Your art is brave, open, innovative, and comforting, and I thank you so much for sharing it with the world.

Best wishes,