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To Louis Tomlinson

One Direction - Singer

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Best voted letters to Louis Tomlinson


Dear Lou,
To tell u d truth, I haven't written a letter ever--just written it for school assignments--so pls if u read it, reply! I'm like a crazy girl Directioner and all I want for Christmas is get to know that u guys know that there is a crazy girl out there who is fangirling with every thing u do.....Okay so this seems crazy...IDK if u will get this letter, really I don't but I can't come meet u guys cos, 1st. I don't live anyplace near u peeps, 2nd. U guys refuse to come to me -_- Seriously! Come to India mate! 3rd I'm an Idiot that I completely lost the chance of meeting u guys by not entering the India "Bring me to 1D contest" I'm a real nut...
God! There are soooo many things I wanna tell u but I'm not sure if this will get to u...but I love 1D like every other Directioner out here, from heart and pls just let me know u know me :p
Crazy Girl Directioner


Dear Lou.... I am trying to contact you people since The X Factor . I love you ...... I love you too much ...... I am just 12 and i am a crazy Directioner . However people in the school sometimes tease me a lot but moreover i don't care for them and start loving you even more and more . Every time i see your news's or pictures i go crazy showing you people off to every one who show their hates to me . People also say that I am kind of small and you boys are not good for me but I don't care for that too . The thing is that I love you people with all my heart ......... I am not sure that this letter reaches you but I cant stop my self cuz I am a big idiot and crazyyyy for you


Hi Louis
I am a big really big fan of one direction and I thought you were the best. I would like to ask you when you are coming to Scotland that night can you go to nando's in Livingston. I would be really Really happy if I saw you and the boys please go to nando's and I hope you have a nice time. Take care and be safe bye Quinn


dear Louis,
ive wanted to write this letter for my little brother hes a huge fan but he cant talk or write properly. me and hhim always listen to your music cause its the best. my friend is also a huge fan but shes scared she will never meet one direction. ive had a tough time at school recently and my so called friend shes been saying mean stuff bout me to others its hard and I feel really sad. but your music always cheers me up. but my brother has down syndrome and he doesn't remember things that happens but he remembers your songs. all I want is to know that things would get better but know one listens but all I want Is for someone to listen. im a huge fan and I love your music and your a huge inspiration you have made a huge impact in my life with your music. I know I would never meet one direction in person but to know that your music has a huge meaning to me gets me through when im sad. thank you for being the best band in the world and having the best music in the universe and I feel like a directioner not a fan. your songs have helped my brother talk more when he hears your songs thank you .


Dear Louis,

Hello! My name is Mary and I'm a really big fan of One Direction. I just want to tell you that I genuinely love your voice along with all the other members of your band. Your voice is just so amazing, I'll be honest when I first heard your part in "Little Things" I cried. And when I saw you on The X Factor I bawled, just seeing you on t.v. and singing live makes me wanna cry. Just two years ago I never thought that I would be THIS crazy over any boy, or band as matter of fact, its kind of weird knowing that I am. I'm just 14, and I have never been this crazy over anything.... well if you don't count french fries ;)

I may not know everything about you or your band members, but what I do know that you five are all genuinely perfect in each and every way you are. I really do hope you read this letter, it would mean a lot if you actually did received this letter out of thousands, maybe millions of others and you decided to read it.

With love, Mary Sucuzhanay

P.S. I'm not a fan, I'm a Directioner.


Heya Lou!
I'm Lily and I'm 12 from New Zealand. Some people say that being so young, I'm not a proper fan of you guys but I love you constantly. People even say I look like Eleanor but I couldn't come close to her gorgeousness.!! I might not have been with you guys from the beginning but will defs be there till the end! You boys are perfect and I couldn't imagine life without you. I went to your first concert in NZ and my big sister met you in The Langham. She was the one that squeezed your hand to hard. I'm glad you liked the sky jump as well! I've always wanted to go but am too scared :P haha. Please say hello to El and the boys for me? And please don't forget, I love love love you to the moon and back (please don't think I'm crazy :P haha) You guys are the best idols on the world and I hope I can achieve my dream and I love singing as well


hello louis, im christina. and i are in a band to :)
and if my band and i gets cool, maby we all cud write a song. :)
and am only 15 but i love to sing, and have been singing i norway, and denmark and spain.. :) i loved to write a song whit someone
to help me out.. pleass. i always wana to sing to people ans gets famus, its been my dream sens i was 6 years old.. :) i hope yall write back. love christina nilsborg..


Dear One Direction,
Hi my name is Kaylee i am 9 years old and i live in CT and i am a big fan and you are my life and i am also a big fan of softball but you are more important. i would love to see your concert but i dont have enough money to so i am very sad. P.S.i would love to meet you guys some day!! please write back to LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


dear Louis Tomlinson
my name is abbie im from Cornwall England i am your #1 fan i have been going through a lot now. if i met you i would probably cry my eyes out i LOVE YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


I love one direction and I love you more! cause you are very very talented. You are my inspiration, my idol and I love you for who you are. Your music is amazing and so are you!
You boys've changed my life.1D've showed me that FRIENDSHIP IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN OUR LIFE ! we (Directioners) are and we will always be ONE BIG FAMILY ! Couse Being a directioner its not just fangirling or how many posters we have on the wall, Its something what I can name DEDICATION . We can cry together lough together. Btw, I am directioner couse I Love that idiots sooooo muuuch ! (THIS IS why am I LOVE 1D and define "DIRECTIONER")

Love always and 4ever

Iza Zeyza
