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To Louis Tomlinson

One Direction - Singer

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Best voted letters to Louis Tomlinson


Hi Louis,
I am completely obsessed, scratch that, dedicated to you and what you do. I feel so bad that you broke your knee and pray for you every day and that it will get better soon. I am just a Minnesotan but every single day when I get home I listen to your music, stare at the posters, sing, memorize new songs, and draw pictures of you. Every Friday I talk in a British accent because I wish I was there with you. I have a blog and a fanpage dedicated to you but no one ever reads it. I have been saving my money since 2010 to see one of your concerts but still dont have enough money. I think you have the best heart out of all of the people in One Direction and is so kind to your fans!!!! In my opinion, you have the best voice. Your relationship with Eleanor is very strong and I am 100% with that!!! I hate when people say," They should break up" and " I want to kill Eleanor!" SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!! Is that necessary! I write my name as Maria Tomlinson at school and everyone knows me as the person obsessed with One Direction and escpecially LOUIS!!! I bought a Kevin because you have Kevin and I try to be as much like u as possible. The first time I knew who u were I was dedicated that someday he would hear from me and know who I am!!! But dang, Im only 12!! But still, I wont give up on you guys and ALWAYS be a directioner!!!

~Maria Tomlinson


Dear Louis Tomlinson,
Hello, my name is Mia Danielle Brown, i'm a huge fan!! Everytime i hear your voice, it sends chills up and down my have an amazing voice!
I love your hair, it's really cute. And your personality is great, you have an amazing imagination...
I talk about your band all the time, i'm obsessed with you, i think youre very cute!! I hope you write back!!

your fan,
P.s: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Mia Brown


Dear Louis,
(one Direction)
Um I'm a fan and all, but I just wanted to thank you for keeping me strong, I've been through a lot and you music and you guys inspire me so much. I write poetry and ry to help others who self harm and commit suicide.... I don't know what else to say so thank you for saving my life and keeping me strong every day......

Love by Emma Jane Vernacchia

PS. You guys are my hero's


Hi Louis !

My name is Wiktoria I' m 14 years old adn I'm from Poland, Poznań. I' m a crazy directioners, I'm trying to contact you since X Factor. At the beginning I would like to say that I am not your psyhic fan who just want to marry you, but I just wanted to tell you that I love 1D music, your style this how you express yourself through music and, of course, is that you always mad. And I have a question for you, on the internet a lot of us now say that at 2014 will be 1D concert in Poland, is it true? And if so, whether the concert would be held in Poznan? Here is the largest number of your fans. If you would can please reply on my e-mail :)

P.S. I love you guys so much


Hey Lou :),
I'm a 13 year old crazy spanish directioner. I just wanted to tell you how much I admire you and how much you inspire me each day. I know that to you I´m just another fan, but I wanted to tell you that I love your personality, every time I watch the video diaries I can´t help laughing out loud! I love the way that you can make a serious situation a funny one and I just can´t explain how much I love you with words!
It would be great if you could reply to this, cuz it would really make me much happier!



Dear One Direction,

This letter will probably never even reach you. Also it may sound weird. But I just wanted to let you know my story, and what you mean to me.

3 years ago, my Dad was diagnosed with cancer. Bone cancer. My Mum was crying about it all the time, but it wasn’t that bad for me. I always got told, that God will make everything okay again. It was fine for a while, he got his treatments. The doctors said, that the cancer will be gone for at least 6 years. In that time, my, what I thought, Best Friend, told me, that she never really liked me, that she only wanted my good grades. I really loved her, that’s why I cried 3 hours, until I realized she wasn’t worth it. Because everybody was too afraid of her, no one in my class talked to me. Except one girl. She helped me through all that, and soon we became Best Friends. This could be the end actually. That’s what I thought. The end of everything bad. But no, it became worse. The chemothereapies didn’t work for my Dad, so he had to get a stem-cell-transplantation. I knew, that it was just for his own good, so I was happy, that he could get a treatment. Again, the doctors said, it will be over soon. But I didn’t trust them. I met this girl online, in November 2012. She was the one who told me about you. I listened to your songs. I became a Directioner. I didn’t really have friends anymore, so I concentrated on the internet. It went good for a while, until the doctors said again, the transplantation didn’t work out the way they wanted. He had to get new treatments. They made him feel really bad. My Mum was crying all the time. And I couldn’t take it. So I did the only thing that gave me some hold, something that I think is fun. You. I always looked up to you, and your actions. My Dad was feeling better, but he had to get a new stem-cell-transplantation. This time, one with his own, and one with the stem-cells that my aunt donated for him. Two weeks ago, he had to go to hospital for that. But it wasn’t enough, that he had to get another transplantation, no. This time, a doctor mixed the stem-cells of my Dad with them of my aunt, and injected them. But before you get someone else's stem-cells, you have to get a special treatment. My Dad didn’t get that. The doctors asked around in the whole world, but my Dad is the first person that this happened to. Now it’s even more dangerous. He could die any second. I’m really afraid because I don’t know, if my Mum would maybe commit suicide if he died. So I called the hospital, and asked them, if they could tell me first, if something happened to him. I never got called out in school yet, so I thought, if they ask me to go to the principal, something bad has happened. The day after I phoned the hospital, it happened. They called my name. I just ran away, tears in my eyes. I really thought that Daddy had died. Thank God he didn’t. But I can’t trust anyone anymore, I can’t trust my mum, if she says, she wont harm herself if my Dad dies. I can’t trust the doctors, if they say, that it will get better. I can’t trust people my age, because no one likes me. I can’t trust teachers, if they say, it will get better. I can’t trust anyone. I’m on my own.

I know, other life’s are much worse than mine is. But I just want to thank you, that you make me feel a bit better. That I can trust you. That you are something I can hold onto. Thanks so much.

Yours, to infinity and beyond,

Lara McDonald


Dear One D ,
I`m Emma and I am a huge Dircetioner but I`ve never been to a consert so pleas get me some tickets to the next one okay I forgot to mention that my family is really poor so I can`t any way I`m only 11 and only a hand-full of my friends


Dear Louis,
Hey, my name is Krimzen and I am a HUGE fan of one direction. I am always listening to your music and I think that you guys are the best musicians ever! I recently got your fan mail address so now I can send you letters. Also when you were in Toronto my mom’s sister’s friend was the lady that was cleaning your room and you gave her the bottle of vodka. Now I keep that EMPTY bottle of vodka in my room (I’m that big a fan). Well I hoped you liked the letter. PLEASE write back. Love you your biggest fan,


Dear Louis,
I'm a big fan of you guys. I had twitter once and I had to delete it cause my mom said I didn't need one so, I was lookin through the internet. Then I found this so I would like to try it. :) You would probably say why couldn't come to our concerts. I would but 1) I live in arizona and u don't have a concert there this year. 2) I don't hv the money. So if u read this please reply to this!!! I just want to get to know u guys even though u guys are older than me like 9 or 8 years. Plus I'm 11 years old. PLEASE REPLY!!! Thx :)


my name ia Alessandra and im 11 years old i live in Portugal and everytime i try to by one direction tickets they get sold out im so sad everytime that happens , i guess my life has a destiny of bad luck :( love you!!!
