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To Rihanna

Rihanna - Singer

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Best voted letters to Rihanna


i rihanna your one of my biggest fans everrrrrrrrrr i wont my grandad to show him this before he dies so will u vote for meeeeee please love you # omg i carnt belive am acutally sending you a message


hi rihanna im amirhesam . im from iran . i love you . i see your music video and album . i like your hair and body . i were love you i see your live in uae i were love you and i cant come to your live in uae i don't need the money .......... . . . . . im 14 years old


Dear Rihanna
you are like the best singer in the world I like all of your songs and specially diamonds. My dream is to met you and to be a singer like you are. I've been your fan since I was six years old I am 11 years old now


Hi rihanna its john and rita from what's up Sydney we went to your concert frigan awesome we love you


Hi Rihanna,
My name is Rose and I am one of your biggest fans here in the United States. I just wanted to start out this letter by saying thank you. Just by being your vibrant care free and amazing self you have helped me through a lot of rough times. I am a teenager now and will be turning 19 in November of this year. I think I speak for many if not all teens when I say my teen years haven't been the greatest and for a while I didn't feel all that great about myself. With all these societal rules of what is cool and beautiful and interesting it's hard for an adolescent who is trying to find out who they are and developing to feel anything but confused, and not so hot about who they are. However your personality and willingness to not give a crap (lol) about what anyone thinks and just live your life has really made me feel like, "well darn if Rihanna doesn't care what people think of her why should I?". I also want to thank you for making such amazing music, and I love how you put your whole heart into what you do; watching your concerts (on YouTube and TV :( because I'm too poor to buy a ticket to your shows) the heart and emotion you sing with is incredible not to mention you are an extremely talented performer; it really shows you love what you do and you inspire me to pursue what I want in life as a career. I mean wow if a little Bajan girl of just 16 years of age can come to America and become a superstar, well then that proves that anyone can achieve their dreams. So I also want to thank you for that. I also want to thank you as a woman of color I am African American and I'm sad to say that I haven't always been proud of that. Growing up in the south there was a lot of racism and that had really hindered my self esteem. However thanks to you being on the cover of a magazine that said and i quote "Rihanna Sexiest Woman Alive" That made me realize that as a woman of color I am beautiful! Finally I know you might not ever see this but if you do I just want to say thank you for inspiring me, helping me build my self esteem, and making me realize that I am a strong beautiful and intelligent woman of color!
-Love one of your biggest fans Rose G. Tohonou


I use to be your fan, until I understood who you worship, wtf! Have you ever wonder how many souls you put into hell? I hope you'll be in the middle!!! I use to love you! You're evil, Princess of satan, I still cant believe it. It hurts though. I use to listen to your songs but right until I understood it got me, you hurt me too.


Hi rihanna well to tell you the truth im writing this letter because my ex girlfriend is a big fan of you and well let me tell you a lil bit about what happened..we had about 2 years relationship but since we are both girls her parents didnt wanted that we were a couple they sent me to jail for about nine months and my ex didnt do anything to take me out so even she done that to me i still love her & i would gove my life for her and i know she wil be happy if you send her an autograph picture please


RIRIIIIIII. I hope you read this. I just wanna get recognized at least once! I just entered the contests

on your website. It is my dream to meet you ad hang out with out, and if I win and get styled by

you, I’d PHUCKIN’ CRYYY; happy tears though. :$ You are my inspiration, I look up to you and I love

your view on life. Believe it or not, you’ve made me stronger with the “I don’t give a PHUCK”

attitude. I say, wear, and do whatever I want with more confidence. Your music is GOD and you’re

the most beautiful woman alive. It seems more than impossible, but I wish we were friends and I

was one of the girls partying and killin’ it with you. I’d do anything to meet you! Please reply, I

know you’re busy though :( Add me to your contacts? 647 278 6289 .. lol I wish but yea just in

case. :/ I’m Renza by the way and I live in Toronto. Address? Wellll if you reply, text, or call ( I

WISSSHHHHhh) ill add cause then ill know you got this for sure. I love you RIRIIIII < 33333333


RIRIIIIIII. I hope you read this. I just wanna get recognized at least once! I just entered the contests

on your website. It is my dream to meet you ad hang out with out, and if I win and get styled by

you, I’d PHUCKIN’ CRYYY; happy tears though. :$ You are my inspiration, I look up to you and I love

your view on life. Believe it or not, you’ve made me stronger with the “I don’t give a PHUCK”

attitude. I say, wear, and do whatever I want with more confidence. Your music is GOD and you’re

the most beautiful woman alive. It seems more than impossible, but I wish we were friends and I

was one of the girls partying and killin’ it with you. I’d do anything to meet you! Please reply, I

know you’re busy though :( Add me to your contacts? 647 278 6289 .. lol I wish but yea just in

case. :/ I’m Renza by the way and I live in Toronto. Address? Wellll if you reply, text, or call ( I

WISSSHHHHhh) ill add cause then ill know you got this for sure. I love you RIRIIIII < 33333333


Hi rihanna !
you suck pussy like my boyfriend
