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To Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber - Singer

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Best voted letters to Justin Bieber


dear justin. You are so amazing , I am your biggest biggest biggest fan. You are my inspiration and my idol. I want to meet you so bad. That is my only birthday wish. I hope you get this . Thank you :)


dear, justin biber I am such a big fan. love singing , and makeing are my insperstion. You encourage me to never give up and always believe. I just want to thank you for that


hi justin my name is Natalia, of Polish origin, and I am 12 years my adventure of being bielieberką is such that one day I went to my cousin and she let go of your song I asked who it sings she said that Justin Bieber is asked if she could show me yours said that a clear picture and showed me a picture of what it asked for Spread and so I started collecting posters, CDs and newspapers with you. I met my lovely sister or bieliebers to such Wacko about you as I do. Now I'm Bieliebers four years and every day my belief that I can meet a stronger i love you


I know there is a high chance of you not reading this. but I gotta keep believing right? You have been my idol since 2009. You helped me through loads of things even without knowing me or noticing me. Just because I loved since then, I got bullied dont worry! You are not the reason why I am bullied, I was bullied since I was a kid back then. I dont give any f*ck if you date Selena, Demi (even though i want you to date her :P ) Jasmine, Caitlyn, Barbara, Ariana or anyone else but I dont want you to end up heartbroken. We care too much anyways, we are family right (; Everytime I see you smile, it makes my day (more than you could even think) Idgaf If you were shirtless, because that's like nothing to me. You smile is worth it. U smile, I smile [or we xD] But.. you could fake a smile right? You never know whats behind a smile. Eyes tell the truth. You are my world, and you never fail to make my day. I supported you through everything, no matter. I would take a bullet for you, I would do ANYTHING for you even if it meant a lot to me. Idgaf about your looks, I care about the heart. I hope you see this. NEVER SAY NEVER & BELIEVE.



i love you justin bieber you r my idol ever since you were 13 i still love you your sooo cute and a very great singer i will never give up on my dreams because of you my name is skye i am your biggest fan when i see you on tv i start screaming justin bieber i wanna tell you some think i love you my favourite songs are all of your songs

love skye can you please follow me on twitter @SkyeTyla


dear jb justin bieber' plz plz plz read this ♥♥♥
hi i m one of the biggest fan of u . mie name iz swostee .you r the person who means every thing to me. i love ♥


Dear Justin, my name is yasmine and please read this message..
You honestly mean so much to me, I love you so much! you mean the world to me and I dream every single day about meeting you I strongly do believe it will happen one day.. I've been here supporting you since day one and I will be here forever I just really want you to know how much I really look up to you and you really do inspire me.. And I'm also a tunisin from a small town and i'm 15 I WISH YOU A GOOD LIFE AND I WISH YOU COME TO MY LITTLE TOWN TO MEET ME , CAN YOU? I4M A BELIBER LOVE YOU


Dear,Justin Bieber I just went to your concert and it was amazing but I wasn't that close to you I was far away .i love you so much that I on birthday everything is gonna be you, my birthday is coming up July 31.And my wish is you to be there because I love you so much since I was a little kid. So I wish you can come!!!!!! I don't care what people say about you but you are amazing !!!!!!!! Bye and have a great day!!!!!!!!!

Cailfornia San Jose -shayna
Chapel hill way


To whom it is that reads this: I remember This woman who held me in her arms as she was spinning around in a circle. She is very beautiful with her big black long hair. She was only 17. As I got older one of my presumed brothers (?) and I enjoyed singing back in forth to each, it seemed like my three other brothers where the same exact age as me. I was in a bedroom with two other boys plus me. We were kinda talking and all of a sudden I noticed one of the boys was that was presumably the same age, going through a toy chest. I noticed his drawing in the chest. then I gave one of my broths a hug, the brother that I gave hug to said " why don't you give you're other brother a hug " so I did. We were all thee same age when I him a hug Her [is this necklace,] Then I said you need this more than I do [ Joshua ] [ he almost gave me a necklace] One night I was sleeping in the top bunk bed. As I dreamed of someone tugging off my covers and my falling I fell off the bunk bed to the floor. My eyes were twitching up and down like a butterfly. I was scared. One of the presumably same-age brothers got up really fast and said " are you okay ? " then he asked if he should go get mom. “I was Too shaken up and scared to answer him. Then I slowly asked him if he had the same dream as me. He said. "Yeah woke up from the sound of you falling. Then he went and got mom, then he came out of her room and told me, " she'll be out there in a second. ' Then mom came rushing out , really angry at my Dad , who was just laughing because I fell and he thought it was funny that I was hurt because he was always drinking. Mom Stared Yelling at him about the promises they made when they first met; “If we ever have kids and if anything happens to them while you are awake and I am sleeping and if you don't help them, then We're through !" My mother was standing behind me with my presumed same-age brothers, then one of my presumed brothers nudged another presumed brother and said, "pick my brother [Joshua] up." So the other brother said " You can get up. Dust your arm off." Then mom said the same thing." Dust your arm off so we don't have to go to the hospital." I was scared to stand up. but I stood up anyway and dusted my arm off because my mom told me to ! !

[1997?] ( I'm not sure the year this took place)



OMG i dont even know where to start well my name is Catalina and i am 14 and i just want to tell you thank you and you changed my life i look up to you so much. I was there for you right from the start i remember your 1 Time video you came so far and your going to be 20 OMG you cant turn 20 i want you to stay 16 but you cant and it breaks my heart I love you Justin i hope can meet you one day and i know i will because you told us to Never say never. Be strong and give the Hatters the finger . its like you cant judge the cover if you didnt read the book right . I thank you 100 times i have been through a lot and your music helped me i love you and be safe and i hope we can meet together and be friends . LOVE your Belieber
