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To Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber - Singer

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Best voted letters to Justin Bieber


justin bieber i'm a MASSIVE fan and you have inspired me alot, your amazing your lyircs are so down to earth and i can listen to them all the time your believe tour was amazing and so were all your other tours before believe your just my inspiration and you give me strenth to believe in myself love you justin and hopefully ill get meet and greet tickets to see yah like you say never say never xxxxxx


Dear Justin,
I know you'll get 1,000 of letters like this everyday from beliebers just like me but I still wanted to write this just to let you know how much you mean to me and how you've changed my life.
My name is Sophie, I'm from England i'm 14 years old and i'd like to start by saying how much I love you!! when i was 11 i used to get bullied by people i thought were my 'friends' your music was the only thing that could take me away from that horrible place. my mum used to always watch your videos on youtube before you were famous and is a huge fan, which i think is funny!
I don't just love you, i love your whole team, if it wasn't for them you wouldn't be where you are now, and i love them for that, I think its amazing how your 19 and have had the number 2 most viewed video on youtube, the most twitter followers and have FIVE number one albums, you should be incredibly proud of yourself!!!
I'd also like to thank your mum, I read her book and its the most inspirational thing I've ever read, all the things that happened to her when she was younger, and she still managed to raise an amazing son despite not having much money and your the most genuine person I know, your always giving back and doing stuff for charity which is really inspiring.
Thank you for being..... you!
Love Sophie x


hi dear justin bieber i am huge fan of u i send you a fan letter in the mail also i am huge fan of u since day one i am soo proud of you how u be come and i wanna let u know how much i wanna let you u know how much i wanna meet u somebody day never say never anyways when i was a baby i had soo many heart sugerys now that i am old now they i dont need anymore my dream is go to your concert ;)
my dream is too meet you hopefully like my dream will will come true :) i hope be come friends with amazing guy like kept up the good work


dear justin,
i really like your music and i alwes stood up for you when my peers called you gay. so i only ask you one thing make an anounsment about lung cancer im asking you to do this because my dad has lung cancer and on top of that he has 2 tumers in his head so pleas do somthing about it i know you can jb


Dear Justin,
I love you SO much, it's un-true about how much i love and idolize you. I have been a belieber since 2010 and been with you every step of the way after that. I am super excited about coming to your believe tour next week, i only found out my mum got tickets today :D I'm just glad i will finally get to see in person rather than looking at a poster on my wall or on my screensaver on my playbook and phone. I'm going either Tuesday or Thursday next week, i will let you know on Twitter when i do. And another thing can you please follow me on twitter my name is Kiera Drew Bieber or @KMichalitsianos :) Thanks. Love you so much :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


dear justin,
please make my daughters the best ever by wishing her
happy birthday
we are at your concert on
bk 101


Dear Justin,
My name is Katelyn and I am a huge fan. I love you a lot your the best singer in the world. I have been there for you since day one. I hate when people talk crap about you when you try your best and I defend you and tell people they need to back off because they dont know the truth like I do.My friend Emily and I are the biggest beliebers in our school and we get bulled for that. People who make fun of me wont stop me from loving you and you inspired me, you make me fill like i can do anything. Trust me Justin I am your biggest fan my whole room is you. I have clothes, jewlery, and all kinds of stuff. My dream is to meet you. Sometimes i think it will and sometimes i think it wont. You are the sexiest guy in the world everything about you is perfect. Now, i want to ask you something it may not happen but if it doesnt thats ok because i am used to disappment. Ok here it goes I am ten years old i live in las vegas, Nevade and your doing your believe tour on Friday June 28th 2013 and i am asking you if i can have front row tickets. Please, i really want them but my parents are devoriced and my dad doesnt have money and its my dream and i really want front row tickets and maybe even meet and greet tickets. I have been looking at those for ever and front row tickets forever. Please justin i am your biggest and its your concert now your the only one who can get me tickets. Please justin i am begging you i will do anything to have them please. I have been having hard times and if i go to your concert it can get it off my mind and its not like i am asking to one less lonly girl because i bet that will never happen. So please justin.

Love your
Biggest fan,


Hi Justin:)
My name is Fernie,
I can't believe I am writing an actual letter to you! I am a little bit nervous because it is you, the real Justin Bieber. I look up to you all the time. I am the biggest Belieber in my school and I get bullied for liking you, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to go to one of your concerts yet! I listen to your music all of the time, and I especially love your newest song, Lolly! It is perfect! I would really appreciate it if you could send me tickets to one of your concerts and invite me on stage to be your 'One Less Lonely Girl'! I would love you forever if you could make me your One Less Lonely Girl!

I can't actually describe my feelings for you. You are like perfect. I know people say that nobody can be perfect, but you are my definition of perfect.

Much Love,


Dear Justin,

I know you get many letters because you have so many fans but hopefully you have time to read all of them. You are an inspiration to me. I'm a true Beliber fan. Everyday I watch you on You Tube. I have all of your stuff from clothes, bed set, posters, notebooks,
music and more. Oh, and a singing toothbrush so that is three extra times a day I hear your voice. I just turned nine and had
the birthday of a lifetime.
I My parents surprised me with tickets to your Milwaukee
concert. I cried and screamed because I was so excited. What I've learned from you is to never give up and always follow your dreams. Never say never! Thank you for being a great role model to people all over the world.


Hi Justin
my name is Kayla McPherson u should watch TITANIC 2 so u know
Jack Dawson right? Well when he died he didn't die he is alive look on you tube.Type titanic 2 Jack Dawson returns.
your fan Kayla McPherson
