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To Harry Styles

One Direction -

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Best voted letters to Harry Styles


Dear harry styles : Iam rim abdallah . I love you sooo much & I love to meet you . Cool style. Iam big fan. I from lebanon . I live in rwesss. I want to ask you a question please: please come.Iam 10 years . If you read this letter I will save you in my heart & I what I need is you. & I love you


Hey Harry! Hope you had a good day! So, my friend's birthday is comin up and I was wondering if you could do me a huge favor? Well, her birthday is on September 23 and I was wondering that if you can on that day, Just Tweet Happy Birthday Sydney you're beautiful?? Thanks! Love you


dear harry styles i'm laurice ocnnor i am your biggest fan i am dying to meet you. i'm turning 12 this year and don't know what to do for my brithday ilove your songs and i've always dreamed of meeting you. iwish u could write me back but your too busy to do that stuff. love laurice


Hi harry I know this letter might not reach to you but I just wanted to say all of you are amazing your not special for being one direction or harry styles your special for being your self!


"Dear Harry, I've always wanted to write a letter for you. Something that you can keep from me, something to read when you feel bad about something. Where should i begin? It's really hard to explain my love for you. You're Amazing, in every single way. You always surprise me on the things that you do and a lit more that you are capable of. I watched you growing up, not only because of your age but you're more mature you've learned so much. I always remember that 16 old boy singing Isn't She Lovely, and flirting with a bunch of girls on backstage. I always laugh when you said: ''Buuuh'' to Louis when he Said: ''No.'' Sometimes I wish if I could know you, the real you. You know, for us you not just the curly boy like everyone seems to think. You not that arrogant boy like everyone would say.. And you are not the boy who use fame for his own things like everyone would say. You have such a huge heart and you care about everybody so much, you're the sweetest son, and the most incredible friend who could they have. And the people which are close to you are so lucky to be with you and you're amazing. I love how you're so random and cheeky, I love how you're so protective over your friends and family, I love your curls and your beautiful eyes. I love your husky voice and you laugh, I love ho you enjoy being on stage and dance like a crazy boy. I love your dirty mind and how much you act like a child, but can still at so mature. I love your cutest faces, and especially your smile. It's sooo beautiful, please never, never, never stop smiling. I love your accent, I love your lying face and your Dimples. I love the way you dress and the way that you talk so slow. You're so humble and honest. I love how much you appreciate us and care about us. You inspire me, every day and you don't even know it. I just want to hug you, and tell you how much you mean to me.. but i can'.. so this is the way I found to tell you this, I know its not much but it's all i can do. I hope one day i can found a better way to tell you how much you mean to me. But for now, it's the only way. I love you."
Me: I do not know what to say
"Well I always wanted to tell you that I really like you. You always make me smile and laugh when I don't feel alright. I don't saw it a long time, and I needed a long time to see that you're really special and beautiful. For me you aren't just Harry from One Direction. For me you're one of the cutest, nice and the funniest people I've ever seen. Well for you it seems crazy and strange and I don't know you personally, but we're a little bit similar with the character, we both like to sleep and we both have curls :D Whenever I see you on t.v or in pictures I see in your eyes happiness. I always don't see the famous Harry. I always see Harry, a guy who lives his life and doesn't care about that what people say and think about him. I see a guy who lives his life with family, friends and fun."


Hello Harry,
I want you to know that you have changed my life forever, you and the other boys. You guys inspire me every day and I can not thank you enough for that! I love what the 5 of you do and I'm most definitely a Directioner and will be for life! Thank you do much!


hi harry!! well, my name is tatyana, haha ikik, weird name. well, I may be just another fan, HA. but, whatever. I really wanna see one of your concerts, but really, im not just another fan because I think of you as just another human being that walks the earth that I walk. well, I think you are the bomb really hyper for some odd reason...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Hey Harry,
My name is Hollie. I seem like the normal everyday 15 year old girl, but the truth is, I'm not. I've been through a lot, I've cried everyday for years now. I've been lost and found several times, and I make it everyday of my life. Your my role model. I know that you get hate, but I don't know why. Your such a stong, determinded young man. You're going to go far with your music. Not that you haven't already. What the fudge am I writing???? Anyway... you've got me through ever hard day of my life. You've made me feel alive again. I promised myself that I'd meet you someday, but I don't think that'll happen. My goal are, to become a writer of photographer. Or something that helps little children. I don't want kids going through what I have had to.
Your my idol, and I'm sure you get that a lot, but I honestly mean it. Your you, and real, and so totally beautiful. I can't imagine a life without 1D.
My uncle passed away before I was born. I never got to meet him, but he was all about the music. So, to make him proud, I picked up a guitar at age 7, and really, just started playing. I'm learning new things everyday. I've wrote several songs deticated to him, and I even wrote one for you. Lame, I know. I'm very musical, as in I play a bunch of instruments. I play clarinet, some piano, guitar, saxaphone, and some drums.
I'd do anything for you, Harry. I'd kill for you, and I'd die for you. Your such a sweet, considerate, loving, sexy, funny, guy. I'd love to meet you in person someday.
You've helped me accomplish a lot of my goals and dreams. I never thought I'd make it this far in life, and I have. Thank you for helping me through my rough, and my good. I love you, and I'll always remember you.

P.S. 1D's music, is amazing. I love you guys!!


I know You have ALOT of Fan Mail and you are very Busy. But an You Take 5 mins to read this?
Im A singer and plan on trying to auditon for the X-Factor and science you have gone thru that experience, id hope you would have some advice.
Im A HUGE Fan, And no matter what ill stand by you! I Love You.
Singing is my Life, and You Lad are very talented. i hope you read this and help me out. Also iv always wanted to go to Yalls Concert, But they always get sold out before i get to buy one or they are alot of $$.
Good luck with your career!,



dear harry styles,
Hi I am a huge fan and I was wondering if you could send me a free ticket and backstage pass to your next concert. I would really love to meet you because I have a crush on you and I was wondering if I could get your phone number. I have your posters all over my room and ever time I see your face I have to kiss you. If you have any questions feel free to ask me at any .
Ashley Eckhoff XOXOXO Hugs and kisses
