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To Harry Styles

One Direction -

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Best voted letters to Harry Styles


hi hazza,
im rebecca , i don't know if this letter will reach or not but im really really in with you all and in love with your music. At school my classmates use to make jokes about one direction and my best friends jemila delphine,jessica and cephora which some true directioners are here to defend you. To be honest im proud to be a directioner.You clearly changed my life that why my best friends and i are going to perform "kiss you" on the music day and i think im very nervous.But i think it gonna be a good day when we are with our bff. and i also have a louis in my group she like louis that great. Harry everything you do is magic and i love everything about you, i wanna stay up all night with and im in love with you and all your little things.

Hope One Day I will meet you.

Big Love
From Rebecca Siana


Harry Styles,
You are ExtrodinHARRY!!!! I love you so much. I'm ur biggest fan. I don't have enough money to y any tickets to go see you guys :(. My favorites are You, Louis, and Niall. My most favorite is YOU. My 3 favorite songs are Heart Attack, Kiss You, and Gotta Be You. I beg my mom for money, but she don't give me any. I'm 9 years old. My sister Kylie loves you. Well, my computer is about to die so..... I hope you had a good B-day. PLEASE WRITE BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!
Haely Webb


happy birthday harry my name is alessandra and i just wanted to say happy birthday i couldnt say yesturday cause i was at school until 19:30 doing a test so happy birhday you desearve it so much ; )


Dear harry styles
You are so amazing I love u so much if I could meet u and one direction that would change my life so much my family doesn't have that much money so I don't get to do that many things if u came to this adress 8803 ne 14th street lake stevens washington that would really change my life and make me the happiest person in the universe and I don't know why people hate u they say that but they don't give a reason I will always love u forever and ever I know u probably won't come but this letter was worth a try and to knoe u might even read this made me so happy I LOVE U SO MUCH u don't even know


Hi Harry my name is Anouk and i am 13 years old and i am a big fan of you and your group and you are my favorite i was wondering when are you in Birmingham lg arena to perform?

your biggest fan Anouk Hoitink


hi harry styles and if i get one direction new tour 2014 and could you sort out the backstage pass and front row I am from England
I am your biggest number 1 fan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Hi Harry, im Naina and im 13 years old. How are you? You must think im another fan but i just wanted to tell u that ur very special to me and i liked you since your first music video. Your just so awesome. I cant tell you how much i really wanna meet u, its like my dream to meet u. You have been a inspiration to me. Im a directioner and im proud. I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH HARRY! I hope you get this :)


Hey Harry, I 'm your biggest fan!!! My name is Maria. Those are the things that I love about you and your band:" you make me feel happy when I'm sad , you'r so funny,I love your personalities, your voice and songs are perfect, I watched your movie "This is Us" like 8 times because it's beautiful!!! And because I watched it a lot I feel like when I don't see it I miss you it's not if I don't know you! This message is for all One Direction boys!!! I hope you read it!!!
PS: it came from my heart 


hi harry i have been a fan for a long time and i really like you guys so much i never have the money to come see you guys so that sucks but i just wanted to say you guys saved my life i use to always cut like everyday now i barley ever cut anymore its all because of you i really love you so thanks alot and i hope one day i will be able to see you guys but right now i dont have the money and neither does my mom we dont get that much money so i really dont get to do anything or get alot of new things but i love you and bye


Hi Harry! First and foremost, you're my favorite member in 1D. You have an amazingly sultry voice that I can listen to for hours at a time, and really good style. You seem so grounded and that's what attracts me to you. I would love to meet you sometime, chat, get to know you for you, not just how the media portrays you. Also, I think you are devastatingly HOT from head to toe. I wish you the best always, Love, Trina.
