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To Niall Horan

Niall Horan -

Vertical Tabs

Best voted letters to Niall Horan


I'm not sure if your going to read this or not. Anyways, I love your band(especially you, I love Irish people, I have Irish in me). I don't love you guys because of the outside you. Many people that don't know who you really are just like you guys for the outside of you guys. I love you guys for your personalities, especially you Niall. You are the sweetest guy I know in the whole entire world!! I have gotten alot of things for Christmas, I finally got to watch the "This is Us" movie, it was fabulous!! I'm your biggest fan, I know everybody says that but I actually mean it, I think it's because I understand you very well. We actually have some things in common. :) 1. favorite animal is a giraffe. 2. I eat all the time, food is my bestfriend. 3. I have blonde hair(even though yours is originally brunette 4. I have blue eyes 5. my favorite color is green and blue. 6. I can take some banter, I am very sarcastic also.. lol
I just admire you so much, I cant really say why. I wish I knew, your just a regular guy so why would I be like this? I'm not sure, to be honest I think it's not nice to scream when seeing you guys, like the other girls do. If I ever got to meet you, I wouldn't scream. :) I have never got to meet you or go to one of your concerts... i'm turning 16 January 9th, 3 days before Zayns birthday. :) I'm going to go now, I'll talk later. Pip Pip!! bye bye..
~Jennifer :) xx



I'm Kinga . I'm POLISCH DIRECTIONERS . I LOVE YOU !!! I don't speak Englisch .
Nie umiem angielskiego dlatego napisze po polsku mam 13 lat i jestem wielką fanką mieszkam na wsi , dlatego nawet jeśli byście przyjechali do polski nie miałabym pieniędzy na koncert .
Chciałam tylko poprosić żeby 1D nigdy nie przestało istnieć ,aż do śmierci ! Kocham Cię , KOCHAM ONE DIRECTION!



Dear Nial,

Ever since I heard "That's what makes you beautiful", I hated 1D. I never understood why so many people liked you. I just thought you were some boy band that every one thought was so cute for no reason. But then i heard "story of my life". I listened to it many 2 times and watched the video and I fell in love. I've realized that you are just guys in their early 20's who like to make music. I applaud you from going to X factor auditons to screaming girls in a hotel lobbey. And even though you don't know me, and just see as a fan, I would like to say sorry for my meanness to you before realizing that all 5 of you are real people that have emotions too. And I would like to thank you for the amazing story your music tells me. My 14th birthday is September 27th, 2014. You are coming to NC on that day. I don't have tickets and I don think I ever will. I'm not asking for any, I just want you to make my birthday wish come true by having the time of your life on stage. I know you probably get the same fan mail, saying the same thing, so if you read this. Thank you. I am just a girl who likes to sing but knows I'll never be able to sing in front of crowds the amount you do. But thank you if you read this, and merry Christmas.


To Niall,
My Name is Serena Jeeban and I live in Abu dhabi. I am a huge One Direction fan. I have a Ouestion for you how do you like girls? My only wish is that you can get me tickets your concert that will be amazing. Can you surprise me someday. I would love to have a chat with you so we can get to know each other. I want to know how old are you know. T's my birthday on the 19th of february IT will be nice if you can come to Abu dhabi to sas al nakil village and sing happy to me.
Love From you number one fan, LOve fom Serena x xx x


Hi Niall, I am Jennifer and I live in united state and I love your songs and I am your huge fan, I like that you sing very well and I am very nervous because I never write you a letter. I hope your bands are friends with you.

Jennifer mejia


when i am 24 will you ask me out in burnley if you do great love baby cakes.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


hi niall my name is xitlali and am 12 years old . i play the cello , gutair, viollin, drums and thats preety much it. am a huge fan your cute as a bunny.some times when its bad times for me i think about you and for some resson i feel better you had inspierd me to play all these things. funny story is when we were doing our writing essay i was finished and i just reamber that i put xitlali horan and i told my teacher that i forgot to put my last name in there and we were all just laughing so yeah hope you read this mabe i will write again. p.s my instergram is xmart13 and i have a lot of pics of you.






hi im charlie and i know you get alot of these comments but truly i am ur BIGGEST FAN . i got posters of you and one direction. im 12 years old (13 in 2014) my dream is to meet u but im a shy person so i would be pretty shy. thanks xxx
