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To Katy Perry

Katy Perry - Singer

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Best voted letters to Katy Perry


hey katy I really am your biggest fan on earth!!! i really would like to know your email address, Cassie


Dear Katy perry I love you lots and I wish you could come and see you but I can't because my mum hasn't got envy money and. I wish you could come and see me Age 9


Hi katy,
My sister is a big fan of yours, her Name is Baya Amy Thompson she is half American and half Kuwaiti, and shes crazy about you, we tried to make it to your concerts but the middle east is pretty far from anywhere, were hoping to catch up with a concert this summer since we''re visiting the family in new york. Her birthday is coming up on January 3rd. Is it possible to send a happy birthday reply she'll be very happy and very much fired up, as her favorite song, fireworks.
Thank you !


Dear Katy perry,
My name is Kayla Valente I am 9 years old and live in Colorado. I love your songs and at some point want to go to one of your concerts. You are very inspiring loving to your fans I think you are a great person as some people might think not. I have all ways wanted to see you in person. You are very pretty and you being silly makes you able to have friends who care about you and you don't even care what anybody thinks about you.
Your fan
Kayla Valente


Hi I'm Lucy I love your music it is awesome I hope you have a merry christmas and a happy new year please write back


Hi I am YOUR Number 1 Fan.You sent a letter to my friend Tenly Decker She go s to logan avenue WE our in the same grade Oh I love how you writ your name with the bunny.plz write back when you have the time


Dear Katy Perry,
To begin, I want you to know that I am a huge fan. Your music is uplifting, emotional charged, and genuine. You encapsulate what it means to triumph over adversity. I have the upmost respect for those who can face the troubles of life and declare, “You’re gonna hear me roar!” As humans, we will all at some point face adversity that will shake us to the core. We can only hope to approach it with the same tenacity and determination that you have.
Before going any further, I feel as though I should introduce myself. My name is Robert Hodges. I am a twenty-four year old who is trying his best to follow God’s plan for his life. I am originally from Atlanta, Georgia, but have spent the past year and a half in Portland, Oregon. I choose to move there to experience life outside of the conservative, Southern Baptist “bubble.” (I feel like this is something you can relate to.) I have nothing against that style of living, but I believe we all need to see how other people live. During the month of October, my friend and I drove around the states to see the rest of the country. (We actually spent some time in Santa Barbara. Neat town!)
While in Portland, my faith in God was strengthened greatly as I was taught the importance of blunt, raw honesty. Through these experiences, God began to unravel the misconception of the appearance of the Christian. We do not have to force ourselves to look “clean.” God promises us that He will meet us wherever we are.
Katy, even though most Christians will disagree with me, I’m glad you got out there. I have absolutely no idea why you switched from gospel to pop. But I’m glad you did, for I now believe that because of your experiences that have led to a greater open-mindedness, you have a greater potential for knowing Jesus more. Nothing biblical, it’s just my opinion. Again, I don’t know your personal life, but I feel if you had stayed in the “bubble,” you could have created a very mundane, rigorous relationship with God.
In past interviews, to a surprise to many, you declare that you are still a Christian, despite racy pictures and provocative lyrics. I have no doubt in my mind that you still accept Jesus as the Son of God. That’s why I was so excited to listen to “By the Grace of God.” On an interview with Billboard, you said, referring to the divorce with Russell Brand, that the “Song is evident of how tough it really was at a certain point. I asked myself, 'Do I want to endure? Should I continue living?’” I am so glad to hear that you depend on God when facing adversity. He truly loves us and wants the best for us.
Katy, I have no idea how tough it must be to be a celebrity. People are always watching you. Both your accomplishments and your sins are out for everyone to see. In a recent interview with Barbara Walters, actress Jennifer Lawrence said, “You feel like a zoo animal, or something. I don’t know what it is. It’s something in somebody’s eyes. It’s like not connecting, not making eye contact sometimes.” Because of this incredible pressure that you must feel, I want to encourage you to continue to keep your faith in the Lord in all times. Katy, you are an awesome human being. No matter what happens, Jesus will always love you. He is not interested in what you can do for Him; He is interested in you.
I hope that this letter was worth the time it took to read it. It may have been too cliché in certain areas, and for that, I apologize. I also apologize if it comes off too preachy. If it was, I hope it did not interfere with its purpose to encourage you. May God give you the grace to let ‘em hear you roar!
To wrap up, I want you to know that you are beautiful. I know that I am not the first to say that, but I feel as though a woman will never go tired of being told she’s beautiful.

Robert Hodges


Hi Katy Perry I'm your biggest fan,well I think so i am but it's not the point.My name is Laura and I really love you I'm writing this letter to see if your gonna get it and I want to say how much I love you.When I found you as a singer I had this feeling that fills my heart with happiness When I see you in pictures or videos,when I listen to your songs,when I draw a picture of you it just makes my happy my heart is just beating so fast that I can't explain this feeling.I like drawing and I draw your portraits and I wrote your songs on paper and I stuck all of what I did on my walls I my bedroom I made a video of it if you want to see it just tipe Laura Linde In YouTube and you'll see a blurry pink and peach picture there and that's me so if you watch it i hope you enjoy it.i did a project on you I did every thing about you I even made my own katy perry encyclopedia.i love very much if you want to chat with me you can just write Laura Linde on twitter and a girl in silver top is me so I think I didn't forget anything so bey I love you very much I love you more than any body! :D


hi katy I am writing to u to see if possible at all for my 2 kids to meet u at your upcoming concert at the hydro in Glasgow my kids Mirren 9 and warren 5 are your biggest fans your music is played in our house from the minute they get up till they go to bed I have purchased tickets for your up coming concert and its a surprise as its there first concert it would be the icing on the cake a dream come true for 2 very young katy perry fans and I would be a very happy dad if this could be made possible as a parent all u want to do is make your kids happy and the possibility of a dream to come true at least once in there lifetime thank you very much
